Thursday, June 18, 2015

Blog Post - Signs of Gum Disease

Could you have gum disease and not even know it? While it may seem surprising, the answer to this question is a resounding YES! In fact, many people who have gum disease, also known and gingivitis, don’t know they have it. Often gingivitis begins without obvious symptoms; it oftentimes needs a professional to take a closer look and properly diagnose it. But if you suspect something might be a little off with your gum health, there are a few signs and symptoms to look out for.

1.       Pink in the sink. Gums that easily or regularly bleed when you brush or floss are a telltale sign of gum disease. If you notice blood—even in small amounts—when you brush, it may be time to get checked out by your dentist.

2.       Painful gums. If your gums are tender, swollen, or have an inflamed appearance, gum disease is a likely culprit to blame. This symptom is often paired with the last warning sign: bleeding when brushing or flossing.

3.       Gums pulling away from teeth. Have you noticed a gap between your gums and teeth that didn’t used to be there? Do your teeth appear longer than they used to? This, too, can be a sign of gum disease, as the gums pull away from the teeth when they become irritated.

4.       Sores in your mouth or pus between your teeth and gums. These are signs of bacteria taking root in the mouth and definite signs of gum disease.

5.       Bad breath that doesn’t really go away. Persistent bad breath is a common and annoying sign of gingivitis, which may leave you feeling self-conscious.

6.       Pain when chewing or sensitive teeth. Many people experience some sensitivity in their teeth, but if it has become worse recently or if you have pain when chewing, it might mean you have gum disease.

7.       Loose teeth. One of the later-stage symptoms of gum disease, loose or separating teeth are definite causes for concern and should be taken seriously.

8.       A change in how your teeth fit together. Does your bite feel different? If your teeth don’t fit together like they used to and you have any of the other common symptoms, gingivitis could be your problem.

Gum disease is a serious condition that can eventually lead to tooth loss, and millions of people don’t even know they have it. The good news is a visit to the dentist can help get you on the right track. In most cases, gum disease can be helped—but the longer you wait the more difficult it becomes to treat. Call Orchid Dental today and schedule an exam. Our experienced and dedicated staff wants to help improve your dental health and smile.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Importance of Regular Checkups

Normally, there are two parts to a regular dental visit: a checkup and a thorough cleaning of the teeth. Both components are essential to maintaining the health and beauty of your smile. Dental visits are recommended every six months, and are important because they aid in keeping your teeth and gums healthy and clean.

What to expect from a dental exam?

During the checkup, your dentist will examine your teeth for cavities and to determine whether there is tartar or plaque on the surface of your teeth. Sticky and clear, plaque is a layer of bacteria on teeth that hardens, turning into tartar, if it’s not removed. Brushing and flossing alone will not remove tartar, so your dental exam and cleaning is important. If plaque and tartar are allowed to accumulate on your teeth it can cause oral decay and gum disease.

The dentist also checks your gums for signs of disease by measuring the gap between the teeth and gums (also called pockets) with a special tool. Healthy gums have shallow pockets between the teeth and gums; as gumdisease develops, these spaces deepen.

Hygienist’s cleaning

The second part of the dental visit is the cleaning. Daily brushing and flossing goes a long way toward removing the plaque from your teeth, but any tartar that accumulates must be removed by a dental professional.  This process is referred to as scaling. After scaling is complete, your teeth are polished using special gritty toothpaste formulated to remove topical stains. Finally, the dental hygienist flosses your teeth. Regular dental cleanings are a key component to oral health. In addition to the cleaning itself, you’ll also benefit from advice and guidance to maintaining your dental health at home.

The Orchid Dental experience

When you come for your regular visit at Orchid Dental, our experienced staff will make sure you receive the high-quality care you deserve. Not only will we help with the preventative aspect of dental health, but we’ll work with you to create a treatment plan to tackle any dental problems you may have.

The first step to a healthy and amazing smile is in your hands! Give us a call today at our Bala Cynwyd office to set up your next dental checkup.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Treating TMJ Pain

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) plays a huge role in our day-to-day oral function. TMJ refers to the jaw joints and muscles that enable us to open and close our mouths and is pivotal to certain actions, such as smiling, talking, and eating. When you suffer from TMJ pain, life becomes more challenging.  

TMJ issues are reportedly common. The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) estimates the number of American adults experiencing pain and discomfort due to TMJ dysfunction exceeds 10 million. TMJ pain can be caused by trauma, misaligned (crooked) teeth, and inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, wear due to aging, stress, and more. Thankfully, TMJ problems are often temporary. In many cases, it's possible to find relief from symptoms by visiting a dentist who is trained in comprehensive TMJ dentistry. For those battling TMJ issues, treatments range from simple, at-home care, to more complex and extensive medical solutions.

Less is Often Best

The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) recommends that people who want to relax their joints and muscles to alleviate TMJ pain can make some adjustments, such as:
  • Eating softer foods
  • Avoiding chewing gum, and don't bite your nails 
  • Using heat packs & moisture to address the pain
  • Practicing relaxation techniques to control jaw tension – i.e., meditation, or biofeedback.

If these techniques don't provide relief, other non-surgical, therapeutic solutions include:.

Medicinal relief –Over-the-counter pain relief may work for some, but when it doesn't, your health care provider may prescribe relaxants, sedatives, antidepressants, or stronger pain relievers. You will also want to consider seeking professional treatment rather than treating the symptoms at-home over long periods of time. Over the counter medicine will help reduce the pain, but will not solve the problem.
Splints or Bite guards – These plastic guards fit your teeth to provide your muscles with some relief. The guards relieve tension by helping to reduce jaw clenching and teeth grinding. A trip to a dentist who is trained in TMJ therapy will help determine if a dental appliance will work for you
Physical Therapy –Your health care provider can recommend a series of specialized jaw exercises, designed to gently stretch the joints and muscles.

Proceed with Caution

Many professional organizations, including the NIDCR, believe in the “less is more” approach to treating TMJ pain, but persistent and severe cases may need other alternatives. Research is a key component in the search for successful treatment. .The dental industry has triumphed with technological advancements for treating TMJ problems.

While going through the process of discovering which treatment option is for you, be sure to discuss your jaw limitations with your dentist. Dr. Aryani is trained to help with TMJ pain. If you are in the Northern Philadelphia area of Bala Cynwyd and are looking for help with your TMJ pain, please contact our office to find out more.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Invisalign® or Traditional Braces?

We all understand the power of a beautiful smile, but to what lengths will we go to acquire one? For many adults who are weighing in on their orthodontic options, comfort and discretion are as important as affordability and long-term health. So, which is the better choice; Invisalign® or traditional, metal braces?

Orthodontic Treatments

Orthodontists are dental specialists concerned with the diagnosis and correction of improperly positioned teeth and bite alignment. Orthodontic treatments can address multiple dental conditions including: overbites, underbites, crossbites, misaligned teeth, spacing, and crowding.

Orthodontic treatments traditionally include fixed appliances, such as braces that consist of metal wires and brackets. Traditional braces, fixed appliances, and space maintainers are treatments designed to apply targeted pressure in order to create or prevent movement.

Removable appliances can also provide orthodontic solutions in a similar manner and with similar results. Invisalign alignersoffer a virtually undetectable orthodontic treatment by using a series of clear plastic trays, customized to gradually adjust the patient's teeth.

A Clear Advantage

When it comes to aesthetics, Invisalign is the clear winner. With its transparent plastic trays, Invisalign works its magic in plain sight without anyone else knowing. Unlike traditional braces, the aligners are removable and easy to keep clean.

The smooth, computer-generated plastic trays are also designed to truly fit your teeth, which means a more comfortable fit. Patients do not have diet limitations since the aligners are removed while eating. Those who choose Invisalign often discover that Invisalign is overall a more convenient orthodontic option.

Keep an Open Mind

While Invisalign can address a large number of orthodontic problems, traditional metal braces are still the best option for severe cases. Invisalign's system is also an option that requires self-control and dedication. Since the trays are removable, it is very tempting to take them out for longer than is advisable. Invisalign aligners should be worn for at least 22 hours a day and are geared to more mature, older teens, or for an adult.

Contact Dr. Aryani at Orchid Dental today!  A healthy, straight smile will soon be yours!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Fight Taking Place in your Mouth

Periodontal disease, also called gum disease, can be caused by bad oral hygiene, some medications, smoking, stress, and genetics. It can cause bone damage, tooth loss, and is a contributing factor in diabetes, stroke and heart disease. The positive side to gum disease? It is most often preventable!

How Does Gum Disease Develop?

Although much progress has been made in raising awareness of dental health, and oral hygiene, gum disease is still very common. When essential oral hygiene habits are neglected, bacteria that exists in your mouth combine with the natural saliva and acids, and form a sticky, clear plaque on your teeth. Plaque that isn't removed by brushing and flossing eventually hardens to create “tartar” which cannot be removed by just brushing alone.

Without regular dental visits and an experienced dental hygienist, the tartar becomes the perfect breeding ground for bacteria.  The growing bacteria attacks the soft tissue housing your teeth. Gums can become infected, sore, swollen and inflamed. As gum disease progresses, it wreaks havoc on the entire mouth structure causing bleeding gums, bad breath, and potentially tooth loss.

Gum Disease Treatments

Gum disease can be fought in many ways. Tackling it alone shouldn't be part of the plan. If you notice any of the symptoms outlined above, contact Orchid Dental and schedule an appointment for a checkup. Dr. Aryani will examine your gums to determine the severity of the infection and will advise you on the best possible solution.

Cleaning and Hygiene: For milder cases of gingivitis and gum disease, the infection may be dealt with by flossing and brushing, and with regular cleanings by a professional. For more advanced periodontal disease, your dentist may suggest a deep cleaning, or scaling and root planing, in order to remove bacteria from below the gum line. New techniques and procedures include laser-assisted bacterial reduction therapies.

Medications and Mouthwash: Antimicrobial mouthwashes and antiseptic rinses can be prescribed to control bacteria while treatments are ongoing. Although effective in supporting other therapies, medications such as antibiotics, and antimicrobial mouthwashes cannot treat gum disease by themselves.

Surgery: Flap surgery, and bone and tissue grafts help repair some of the damage cause by gum disease. These procedures also reduce the periodontal pocket, encouraging healthy growth of tissue and bone, making it easier for the area to be kept clean.

Preventive Care

It’s important to understand how gum disease can ruin your smile. Practicing good hygiene habits is just a start - brush teeth twice a day and floss at least once. Mouthwash helps kill the germs too. Eat well, avoid sugary snacks and drinks, and be sure to visit your dentist every six months. Preventive measures are key components to fighting the bacteria war in your mouth.

Contact Orchid Dental to schedule an appointment today!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Welcome to our Orchid Dental blog!

We're excited to announce the official launch of our Orchid Dental blog.

We'll be posting helpful dental tips, news from the dental industry, news from our practice, and more about the latest in dentistry.

We built our practice on the notion that we're there for our patients when they need us and we want our online presence to be a reflection of that principle. We hope this blog provides an extra level of service to our current and future patients.

If you would like to stay up to date on the latest from Orchid Dental, simply click the RSS “Subscribe to feed” link located on our website and subscribe. Our subscribers will be updated when we make a new blog post.

Here's to your best oral health ever!