Thursday, June 18, 2015

Blog Post - Signs of Gum Disease

Could you have gum disease and not even know it? While it may seem surprising, the answer to this question is a resounding YES! In fact, many people who have gum disease, also known and gingivitis, don’t know they have it. Often gingivitis begins without obvious symptoms; it oftentimes needs a professional to take a closer look and properly diagnose it. But if you suspect something might be a little off with your gum health, there are a few signs and symptoms to look out for.

1.       Pink in the sink. Gums that easily or regularly bleed when you brush or floss are a telltale sign of gum disease. If you notice blood—even in small amounts—when you brush, it may be time to get checked out by your dentist.

2.       Painful gums. If your gums are tender, swollen, or have an inflamed appearance, gum disease is a likely culprit to blame. This symptom is often paired with the last warning sign: bleeding when brushing or flossing.

3.       Gums pulling away from teeth. Have you noticed a gap between your gums and teeth that didn’t used to be there? Do your teeth appear longer than they used to? This, too, can be a sign of gum disease, as the gums pull away from the teeth when they become irritated.

4.       Sores in your mouth or pus between your teeth and gums. These are signs of bacteria taking root in the mouth and definite signs of gum disease.

5.       Bad breath that doesn’t really go away. Persistent bad breath is a common and annoying sign of gingivitis, which may leave you feeling self-conscious.

6.       Pain when chewing or sensitive teeth. Many people experience some sensitivity in their teeth, but if it has become worse recently or if you have pain when chewing, it might mean you have gum disease.

7.       Loose teeth. One of the later-stage symptoms of gum disease, loose or separating teeth are definite causes for concern and should be taken seriously.

8.       A change in how your teeth fit together. Does your bite feel different? If your teeth don’t fit together like they used to and you have any of the other common symptoms, gingivitis could be your problem.

Gum disease is a serious condition that can eventually lead to tooth loss, and millions of people don’t even know they have it. The good news is a visit to the dentist can help get you on the right track. In most cases, gum disease can be helped—but the longer you wait the more difficult it becomes to treat. Call Orchid Dental today and schedule an exam. Our experienced and dedicated staff wants to help improve your dental health and smile.


  1. Is it recommended to do flossing with electronic water flosser or you should just do it by traditional way. what's your opinion on this

  2. I experienced item no.1. Should I go to my dentist and pursue gum treatment?
